A Full Service Trout Farm and Hatchery




Which Species of Trout to Stock

Brook Trout are native to eastern North America and require a year-round supply of cold, oxygenated water (45-60 degrees F. is optimal). The brook trout is generally considered the favorite game fish with its beauty, easy catchability and unrivaled table appeal combining to make it the highly reputable fish that it is.

Rainbow Trout can tolerate warmer water (55-65 degrees F. is optimal) and tend to be somewhat hardier. The rainbow trout is gamier than the brook trout often leaping from the water to strike a fly and is also excellent eating.

Brown Trout are also very hardy and more resistant to warmer water temperatures. They are also much more sporting, being more difficult to catch. A "shy" fish, they are much less entertaining at feeding time, preferring to wait until you leave before enjoying floating feed.

Below is a table that will help you determine the species of Trout to order:
(Key: 1 = first choice; 2 = second choice; 3 = last choice)
Species Warm Water
Acid Level
(low pH)
Stagnant Pond
Life Span Sociability Catchability
Brook 3 1 3 3 2 1
Rainbow 2 3 2 1 1 2
Brown 1 2 1 2 3 3

Mixing Species:  Mixing warm and cold water species of fish (e.g. bass and trout) in small ponds is not recommended. Generally, however, it is ok to mix different species of trout or trout of different sizes. In some situations competition, limited feed, and cannibalism can destroy the weaker and/or smaller trout. Trout will eat other trout half their size or less, with Brown trout tending to be the most cannibalistic. However, a healthy pond with plenty of insects and plant life will minimize any incompatibility.