A Full Service Trout Farm and Hatchery

2025 Trout Online Order Form    ( * = required)

Enter Mailing Address

Last Name / Bus. / or Derby Name: * First Name:
Street / PO Box: *
City *    State *    Zip *
Telephone: Days: * Evenings:
Enter Pond / Delivery Location: Check if same as Mailing Address
(Note: We only deliver within New England and Eastern New York State!)
Pond Street/Road *
Pond Town *     Pond State *
Caretaker/Neighbor: Name: Phone:
Date of Derby:
Have you ordered from us before? Yes No

Order Information:

  1. There is a normal delivery charge of $40.00. Special delivery requests may be extra.
  2. Brook Trout are only available up to 10" for 2025!.
  3. Brown Trout are only available up to 8" for 2025!
  4. There is limited availability for all Trout > 14". Call us for availability
Prices for Brook, Rainbow & Brown Trout 1
Size 2, 3 1-249 Trout 250-499 Trout 500+ Trout
6" - 8" $2.25 ea. $2.20 ea. $2.15 ea.
8" - 10" $3.50 ea. $3.45 ea. $3.50 ea.
10" - 12" $5.50 ea. $5.45 ea. $5.40 ea.
12" - 14" $7.50 ea. $7.45 ea. $7.40 ea.
> 14" 4 Unavail. Unavail. Unavail.

Enter Order:

Trout Species Size Qty Price Total
Item 1 0 ea. 0
Item 2 0 ea. 0
Item 3 0 ea. 0
Item 4 0 ea. 0
40 lb. bag of floating feed  ( Info ) 55.00 ea. 0
20 lb. bag of floating feed  ( Info ) 35.00 ea. 0
Barley Pellets  ( Info) 3.00 /lb. 0
Bio-Blue Pond Colorant  ( Info ) 60.00 /gal. 0
Delivery: 40.00
Grand Total: 0

Additional Instructions: